ClHu, or Clothes for Humans, is an all-gender brand and community platform that’s about conscious consumption, not pushing the next trend. ClHu champions radical inclusivity, human connection and facilitating the boundless spectrum of self-expression through clothing.
Founded by Maria Borromeo, ClHu was created to fill a much-needed gap in the clothing market: a brand that doesn't define gender or sizing norms, but instead, let's you make those choices as an individual human.
Photography by Ben Grieme→ and Andrew Maillard→. Clothes by ClHu.
Dimensional periodic table of elements, George Schaltenbrand, 1920.
ClHu came to Order with a fantastic premise — the periodic table — the elements of us.
In our research into the origins and experimentation of the periodic table, we discovered a dimensional approach by George Schaltenbrand in 1920 and classified by chemist Edward G. Mazurs as "Type IIIA4-1" in his seminal work Types of Graphic Representation of the Periodic System of Chemical Elements (1957), shown above.
This informed the dimensional foundation of the brand system, demonstrated here.
A heavily typographic identity, the brand voice is exclusively driven by Bradford LL, designed by Laurenz Brunner and released by Lineto→.
The color palette is one of, if not the most, critical components. Not only does it support the visual language, but it defines ClHu's proprietary sizing system.
Unlike traditional sizing systems that range from "small" to "large", ClHu equitably assigns the size of a garment to a color — breaking the standard in what size you should be.
Final sizing labels by W—E Studio→.
See more and purchase at→.