Transatlantic Logo Grain Mobile
Transatlantic Logo Grain

Transatlantic Film Orchestra

Transatlantic Film Orchestra is a collective of musicians based in Vienna, Vancouver, and Brooklyn, who compose music for film, art installations, and stage productions. Drawing from Morse code — the first form of transatlantic communication — Order incorporated dot / dash details with roman characters to develop the group’s identity and typographic system.

The Morse code encoding scheme, originally developed by Samuel F. B. Morse, Joseph Henry, and Alfred Vail in 1836.

Tfo More Code Sheet

The dot / dash system is integrated with the roman characters of New Rail Alphabet, revival of the British Rail alphabet designed by Margaret Calvert of Kinneir Calvert Associates in the early 1960s, and released by A2 Type Foundry.

Tfo Logo System
Tfo Cities
Tfo Business Cards
Tfo Pin

Photography for the identity was shot by TFO founding member, Edo Van Breemen.

Tfo Edo 02
Tfo Edo 01
Tfo Edo 05
Tfo Edo 04
Tfo Edo 03
Tfo Cassette Stacked
Tfo Cassette
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